
Popular and Unpopular Leaders

A popular leader is not one who is known or heard around. A popular leader is one whose policies and programs are celebrated by majority of his people.

sitemaster 6 years ago 0 0

A popular leader is not one who is known or heard around. A popular leader is one whose policies and programs are celebrated by majority of his people.

An unpopular leader is one who struggles in vain to explain, defend or project his policies and programs to the people. He is either not popular because his style of leadership is against the tide of expectations of majority of the people or he is running a government that has deviated from the covenant and the books that guide his operations.

While unpopular leaders walk alone as they navigate a path against the people, he is at the receiving end of heavy criticisms and rabid backlash from dissatisfied followership, popular leaders never walk alone, they dance gleefully with the people who roll out the drums all the time to celebrate emphatically their empathic leaders. The popular leader has his deeds celebrated and praised whether he is present or absent while the unpopular leader is beclouded with sycophancy. This is often done by two-faced followers who hail the leader in his presence and crucify him in his absence

An unpopular leader can become a popular leader if he regains himself and recalibrate his leadership approach. This he must do by getting objective feedback from the people outside his closed circuit and circle. He should have the courage accept his deficiencies and excesses with humility and return to the drawing board. He must not be fooled by the transience of power and privileges of office to repress the power of the people. He must stand with the people, especially when they are helpless and calling for desperately for one. This way, he would have bought into their emotional bank account, since an afflicted man that saw you abandon your elevated position and glory to stand with him when he was down will naturally pledge a life-long loyalty towards you

In ideal democratic governance, leadership popularity is the best selling point for any leader that wants to get the nod and endorsement of the people to lead them. However, when leadership popularity is lost, leaders who intend to emerge have to look for other means of gaining power than from the power of the ballot

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