A "6" AND A "9"
I had cause to do a management course in 2012 in view of the growing lists of leadership positions I was holding.
Dr Chris was taking us a lecture on Crises Management under Personnel Management Course. He showed us a picture. In the picture was a figure sandwiching two people who seem locked up in a fierce argument and pointing outrageously to the figure between them. The figure was either a "6" or a "9" depending on where one stood. One person stood at the upper end of the figure and was cock sure that it was a "9" the other stood at the base of the figure and what he was seeing was a clean "6" – one figure with two representations according to where each person stood.
However, that was not the point the egghead wanted us to take home. He told us that the problem in the hot argument was that each was rooted to his position and would not move an inch to have another view of the contentious figure for a possible consensus. Dr Chris concluded that it was a major reason in conflict fertilization – when people see things from a microcosmic perspective and insists it is the whole without giving an ear or a thought to a second view no matter how appealing.
Allow me to draw from the analogy of Dr Chris to paint a picture of perspectives crises of people on issues. Take leaders and the led for example, they usually vary in their conclusions on issues due to position on social stratum. They will continue to see and say things differently until they agree to rotate or exchange physical positions on same matter for an alternative and holistic view.
Again, a buyer and a seller are another example of perspective inequality. While the seller wants to make gain, the buyer on the other hand wants to cut cost. The tug of war between the two is usually to out-do each other on a few pennies. To the seller, a 6 must be a 9 and to the buyer, a "9" must be a "6"
You dont need to bring it into politics. No matter how insignificant, politicians have political views to everything. A "9" could easily be accepted as a "9" even if the person sees it as a "6" if it is to his favour, eg votes count. Same politician will insist it is a "6" if it is money he has to give out. Worst still, a "9" could easily turn into 90, 900 or even 9000 if it is a sharp cut by a desperado. But if it is going out of the pocket of same person a "9" when not critically monitored would be seen as a "6" or worse still a "0".
Ladies and gentlemen, we dont need to pick up arms against each other whenever perspectives vary. Everyone one has right to a say on his perspective and need not be slaughtered no matter how varied it may appear. The only caution must then be that perspectives be expressed in decorous manner without necessarily acting a script to denigrate one another. All views are right and must be respected pending when the viewer changes his physical position to see a "6" as a "9" or vice versa.
Lastly, as the journey through life with different people from different backgrounds and exposures, expect more varied positions on same issues. Expect alterations but don’t let it degenerate into altercations; expect substitutions or outright deletions but be careful not to denigrate anyone nor degrade relational bonds. We must therefore arm ourselves with decretive buffers to keep the boat of interpersonal relationships afloat.
Inspirational SC