


The temptation to relate only vertically and horizontally upwards is one we must overcome. Vertical relationship is with our peers or those on same social status with us. Relating with those at our level and above while neglecting those below, is a horizontally upwards relationship. The only connect sometimes we have with those below us is when we are passing down instructions or descending on them with the sledge hammer when they err.

sitemaster 9 years ago 0 4


The temptation to relate only vertically and horizontally upwards is one we must overcome. Vertical relationship is with our peers or those on same social status with us. Relating with those at our level and above while neglecting those below, is a horizontally upwards relationship. The only connect sometimes we have with those below us is when we are passing down instructions or descending on them with the sledge hammer when they err.

When we do this, we miss out on a lot of information. Our peers and those above us provide us with relevant information, no doubt, but we will be more complete when we harness from those above, those with us and those below us

Na'aman would have possibly died a leper were it not for the golden information from his house maid. As an army general, he must have sought for solution from the high and mighty, all to no avail but on a day he was discussing with his wife, the house help overheard it, all be it in passing and provided the needed information Na'aman had sought for all his life, far and wide. He was delivered of leprosy courtesy the information.

We need to have a change of heart towards our relationship with the cleaners, gatemen, office attendants, messengers amongst other seemingly weightless officers. They can be as critical, if not more, than the boss that will sign our letters of promotion or letters of termination. Good morning

Inspiration Express with SC

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