By Solomon Chollom
Birthed in Western Nigeria
Blossomed in Northern Nigeria
Enveloping Nigeria
Sweeping the globe
Twenty five hearty cheers
Celebrate and vibrate
Drum and dance
Sing and shout
Compassion is 25
Story of glory!
Vision birthed
Vision driven
By one man
For all men
To Gods glory
Dr Olu Agbana
Father of many
Reaching tongues and nations
Conquering territories
Saving lives
Reconstructing destinies
Compassion church
A quarry
A Bethel
A Shiloh
A Zion
A brooding hood
Hatching out champions
Publishers of good news
Glorious story
Amidst the mist
Through the torrents
Firm in furnace
Dogged and rugged
Unshaken in the North East
Planted firm on the Plateau
Imposing and posing in FCT
Leading in Lagos
Conquering in Kwara
Daring landlord in Netherland
Gorgeous in Ghana
Conquering the world
Passionate compassion
Glory! Glory!! Glory!!!
Dr Olu Agbana
Pas Yemi Agbana
Holding the forth
Marching the army
Assaulting the avenger
Compassionate voices
Singing in unison
Renting the air
Winning the souls
Redemption theatre
Acting and fasting
Tools in the fields
Populating the vineyard
The parade is on
G.O the GOC
Taking the salute
Dishing the orders
Leading in style
Glory unmasked
Here gathered
Annual gathering
Encounter to counter
Setbacks and curses
Encounter to count
Blessings and favours
Appreciation unlimited
Dedication unrivalled
Glorification unequaled
In Zion
On this mountain
A fountain of revelation
Revelation for elevation
Elevation without evasion
Reaching one
Reaching all
Story of glory
Glory! Glory!! Glory!!!
By Solomon Chollom
Birthed in Western Nigeria
Blossomed in Northern Nigeria
Enveloping Nigeria
Sweeping the globe
Twenty five hearty cheers
Celebrate and vibrate
Drum and dance
Sing and shout
Compassion is 25
Story of glory!